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General Information

Full Name
Jina Kim
Common Name
Registration Number
Registration Status
Good Standing
Member Join Date
Class of Certificate of Registration

Registration History

Terms, Conditions, & Limitations

There are no records.

Special Notices

This member shares a name or other identifiers in common with one or more current or former members of the College. You may need to verify your search criteria directly with the member, their employer and/or the College to confirm that you have located the correct record.


By decision dated March 2, 2023, the Discipline Committee of the College of Early Childhood Educators found the Member not guilty of professional misconduct.

The Committee held a hearing over 10 days between September 2021 and October 2022 into allegations of professional misconduct, including allegations that the Member verbally abused a child who was under her professional supervision; physically abused a child who was under her professional supervision: psychologically or emotionally abused a child who was under her professional supervision; failed to maintain the standards of the profession; acted or failed to act in a manner that, having regard to the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional; and conducted herself in manner that is unbecoming a member.

Discipline Decision



The contents of the College of Early Childhood Educators (the College) Register are frequently being updated. While the College endeavours to ensure that the information posted on the Register is current, accurate and complete, without limiting the generality of the website terms and conditions, the College does not represent, warrant, or guarantee that it is and accepts no liability or obligation relating thereto.

For assistance in using the public register, finding information about a member, or obtaining registration history prior to March 1, 2019, please call the College at 416-961-8558 / 1-888-961-8558.