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General Information

Full Name
Navneet Kaur
Common Name
Registration Number
Registration Status
Good Standing
Member Join Date
Class of Certificate of Registration

Registration History

Start DateEnd DateRegistration ClassRegistration Status
7/7/2024 GeneralGood Standing 
12/6/20237/6/2024GeneralSuspendedBy Order of Committee
12/23/202112/5/2023GeneralGood Standing 
8/13/202112/22/2021GeneralGood Standing Subject to Terms, Conditions, and Limitations 

Terms, Conditions, & Limitations

Effective December 6, 2023, by Order of the Discipline Committee:

  1. Prior to the Member commencing or resuming employment as an RECE or engaging in the practice of early childhood education, as defined in section 2 of the Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007, the Member, at her own expense, will arrange a mentoring relationship with a Mentor, who:

    1. is an RECE in good standing with the College,

    2. is employed in a supervisory position,

    3. has never been found guilty of professional misconduct and/or incompetence by the Discipline Committee of the College,

    4. is not currently found to be incapacitated by the Fitness to Practise Committee of the College,

    5. is not currently the subject of allegations referred to the Discipline Committee or the Fitness to Practise Committee of the College, and

    6. is pre-approved by the Director. In order to pre-approve the Mentor, the Member will provide the Director with all requested information, including (but not limited to) the name, registration number, telephone number, address and résumé of the Mentor.

  2. The Member will provide the Mentor with a copy of the following documents within 14 days of being notified that the Mentor has been approved by the Director, or within 14 days after the release of such documents, whichever is earliest:

    1. the Panel’s Order,

    2. the Agreed Statement of Facts,

    3. the Joint Submission on Penalty and Costs, and

    4. the Panel’s Decision and Reasons.

  3. The Member will meet with the Mentor at least every 2 weeks after the Mentor has been approved by the Director to discuss the following subjects: 

    1. review of the College’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice,

    2. the acts or omissions by the Member, which resulted in the Discipline Committee finding the Member guilty of professional misconduct,

    3. the potential consequences of the misconduct to the parents/children affected, and to the Member’s colleagues, profession and self,

    4. strategies for preventing the misconduct from recurring, and

    5. the Member’s daily practice and any issues that arise, to ensure that she is meeting the College’s Standards of Practice (without disclosing personal or identifying information about any of the children under the Member’s care, or clients of her employer(s)).

  4. The Member will complete a minimum of 2 mentorship sessions to the satisfaction of the Director prior to commencing or resuming employment as an RECE or engaging in the practice of early childhood education, as defined in section 2 of the Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007.

  5. After a minimum of 5 sessions, the Member can seek the Director’s permission to stop participating in the mentorship sessions by providing the Director with a report by the Mentor that sets out the following:

    1. the dates the Member attended the sessions with the Mentor,

    2. that the Mentor received a copy of the documents referred to in paragraph (d),

    3. that the Mentor reviewed the documents set out in paragraph (d) and discussed the subjects set out in paragraph (e) with the Member, and

    4. the Mentor’s assessment of the Member’s insight into her behaviour.

  6. All documents delivered by the Member to the College or the Mentor will be delivered by email, registered mail or courier, and the Member will retain proof of delivery.

  7. Within 14 days of commencing or resuming employment as an RECE, the Member will ensure that the Director is notified of the name, address and telephone number of all employers.

  8. The College may require proof of compliance with any of the terms in this Order at any time.

Special Notices

On December 6, 2023, the Discipline Committee of the College of Early Childhood Educators found the member guilty of professional misconduct.

The Committee found that the Member had committed several acts of professional misconduct, including failing to supervise adequately a person who was under her professional supervision; failing to maintain the standards of the profession; acting or failing to act in a manner that, having regard to the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional; and conducting herself in a manner that is unbecoming a member.

The Committee directed the Registrar to suspend the Member’s certificate of registration for at least seven months and to impose terms, conditions and limitations on the Member’s certificate of registration. The Committee also required the Member to appear before it to be reprimanded and ordered the Member to pay costs to the College in the amount of $1,000.

Discipline Decision
This member shares a name or other identifiers in common with one or more current or former members of the College. You may need to verify your search criteria directly with the member, their employer and/or the College to confirm that you have located the correct record. 


The contents of the College of Early Childhood Educators (the College) Register are frequently being updated. While the College endeavours to ensure that the information posted on the Register is current, accurate and complete, without limiting the generality of the website terms and conditions, the College does not represent, warrant, or guarantee that it is and accepts no liability or obligation relating thereto.

For assistance in using the public register, finding information about a member, or obtaining registration history prior to March 1, 2019, please call the College at 416-961-8558 / 1-888-961-8558.